Consider This

You are not here by accident or by some coincidence of nature. You are a spiritual being learning lessons of love in this earth school.

Consider This Hall of Fame

People tell us that they print their favorite “consider this” and put it up on the refrigerator

is stronger
born twice
“impossible” Gurus
too long.
“Gee – You”
already happened! Loving service reactions and attitudes enjoy the
bringing a change shine through able to live one man,
one chapter
love heals achieve
no fear here to learn
about love
Fear closes; Love opens
always worrying here to learn keep an open mind We do not die
The real test not permitted
to choose
man dies,
…. he lives.
waking from
a troubled dream
a sleep and
a forgetting
annoying things must first awake I don’t believe
we abuse land We are not our bodies Keep an open mind You are a beautiful
Like a big school Love does not stop Put aside ego! Reach out!
Communicate your love! Listen carefully! Nonviolent, always! Come from the heart!
More learning can occur! Life with difficult relationships! Listen without judgment! Continue to love!
Half-Full Many approaches Your true nature If you are evolving
Not here by accident Love is Our task here Not to suffer
Flowing into and through us Learn to receive Only in relationships Discard
Not dependent Never give Understand the nature Learn to see
Soulful relationships Reach out Never act… Do from love
What makes us sick Dissolve anger Do the right thing Awaken
not easily forgotten heart, not the head still have a choice soul is never harmed
reawaken and remember lessons , not punishment not to judge evolved souls /difficult paths
start now Romantic love is only one love is eternally renewed We do not take our ‘things’
we can recreate a little bit of heaven We are all teachers all joy and happiness come from within If we accept our task
we will become our own best teacher remind us of what we already know Remember why you are here When you look into someone’s eyes
There is just one The more you love Through understanding The energy of love
Spiritual beings traveling Daily making myself Changing things outside of yourself Souls in many dimensions
Easy to miss the sweetness We are not islands We are constantly being reunited It’s spectacular
Whenever you create “us” and “them.” Learn from all sides There is always a place of peace

Upcoming Events

  • June 20, 2025
    Miracles Happen – 3-Day Weekend Workshop
    Rhinebeck, NY
  • June 27, 2025
    Miracles Happen – 3-Day Weekend Workshop
    Rhinebeck, NY

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